Recurse Center: week 1, day 4

End of the official RC week! Whoo.

Actually got to morning sitting on time! Made essentially zero wrong turns on my bike ride in, which was a first. (Not being able to turn left on a one-way that *does* go that direction was the only semi-exception.)

Zulip (which we use for internal chat) helpfully told me that there were “infinity” new messages, which I of course felt like I needed to read. But I learned a bunch of things, like how the blog aggregator works, and soon I will figure out how to add my blog there.

Mostly I didn’t feel like I got a lot of things done today, but I DID accomplish some time-consuming/awesome things. We had a keysigning party today, and Alice ran a workshop beforehand on getting all set up with keys and things. And it was the first keysigning party I’d been to! And I’m pleased that it was with my fellow RC folks.

There are a lot of moving parts to doing the whole authentication thing, though. Generate the key. Save it. Send it to a keyserver. Look up people’s keys. Save them. Set levels of trust. Sign things. Send THAT back to the server? I’ve been through little GPG/PGP workshops before, and it almost seems more daunting the more I learn about it.

However, I asked for help, and Greg immediately said he’d be happy to help me, so we walked through signing a key from the command line, which can be kind of an adventure, as it turns out.

Also went to lunch with mostly-different people, and even joined afternoon walkgroup for a little walk.

I did almost no independent programming today, which was a bit of a bummer, but I started reviewing Learn CLI The Hard Way, and did a little bit of morning warmup on codingbat. My friend, the bat.

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