Recurse Center: week 6, day 5

Came in on my second Friday and am using it to make myself feel accomplished about this week. (So far, it’s mostly been feeling feelings.)

Took a while to get started, but my tiny “hello world”ish app is still working, and I modified it to send an image as well, and it feels sort of impossible to have created something that does this. And then I got it to message me back with my name by telling it my phone number first, and then I fell down the rabbit hole of “why do my git commits without -m open in Sublime, instead of in vim, which I’ve been practicing lately?”

And so I have changed my global git config to open vim, instead of Sublime, for commits that didn’t have the message specified inline (e.g. `git commit -m “mega cool commit message`). Fun! `git config –global core.editor “vim”` does the trick.

Why did I need to do this? Because it’s very important that I make my commits blink, because Ann is my code twin and is an inspiration in terms of “you can learn a lot by doing things for giggles.”


Finally properly participated in RC Crafternoon, with a fresh friendship bracelet kit (seriously!) from Purl Soho down the street (thanks for the recommendation, Rachel!). I started AND finished a bracelet in RC colors. What! I don’t tend to think of myself as a person who finishes things, and yet here we are:

Went for a walk with Tim to accomplish Secret Mission Things, and came back to tie up my loose ends for the day and get ready for RC karaoke. I’m super excited about this, and not only because it means I get to do karaoke with 1) people I like, 2) not drunk randos, 3) any song that can be found on the internet.


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